Monday 2 August 2010

On repeat

When MM is too big for cuddles I really want to remember these days where all he says is "Mummy mummy mummy", "Huggy Mummy huggy" and "Pleasie Mummy please please please" to get me to my feet. He's so funny, if wails of "Mummy!" don't work he jumps on top of me shrieking "Huggy Mummy", especially if I'm reading and not paying attention to him and if that STILL doesn't work it's "Pleasie Mummy pleasie pleasie" until I give in...and I do!

Just now he's fed up of me being on the computer, which is fair enough really, so he's just launched onto my lap yelling 'catch you Mummy' and I'm smothered in cuddles. There's nothing better than this.

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